Founded to help our country respond to the Great Depression, we’re the agency that protects investors from misconduct, promotes fairness & efficiency in the securities markets, and facilitates capital formation for those looking to hire, innovate, and grow.
A "national securities exchange" is a securities exchange that has registered with the SEC under Section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Following is a list of exchanges registered with the SEC under Section 6(a) of the Exchange Act as national securities exchanges :
2010年2月11日 · The SEC does not require companies that are raising less than $1 million under Rule 504 of Regulation D to be "registered" with the SEC, but these companies are required to file a Form D with the SEC. The Form D serves as a brief notice that provides information about the company and the offering.
2012年2月21日 · Filings & Forms. All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR.
This site ( provides public access to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR data via Application Programming Interfaces (API). Automated access must comply with's Privacy and Security Policy.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) seeks to prevent and detect any fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement at the SEC while promoting integrity, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in Commission programs and operations.
2024年11月25日 · The Los Angeles Regional Office is responsible for enforcing violations of the federal securities laws and examining regulated entities such as investment advisers, investment companies, and broker-dealers.