Actor Saif Ali Khan, who sustained multiple stab injuries during a home invasion, has given his statement to the Bandra Police. He revealed that he and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, were in their ...
In the lead-up to Delhi elections, the Yamuna River's pollution is in the spotlight. BJP's Yogi Adityanath challenges Arvind Kejriwal on cleanup efforts, while Congress accuses him of failing to ...
Actor Rajpal Yadav’s father died in Delhi. He had been unwell for a few days now, and Yadav had to fly down from Thailand, where he had gone for a work trip, after his father’s health deteriorated.
MLA Amanatullah Khan was was seen misbehaving with police officers after being flagged down for a traffic violation. The MLA's son, along with his companions, was seen riding a motorcycle on the wrong ...