This is precisely what the Geneva Conventions represent—a universal body of international law ratified by every State, striving to protect a minimum of shared humanity. The core principles of ...
El/la Oficial de Campo Salud (OCS) es el/la responsable en la misión para las actividades de salud enfocadas en Primeros Auxilios y Atención prehospitalaria, fortaleciendo el acceso a salud integral, ...
A nossa missão é proteger a vida e a dignidade das pessoas afetadas por conflitos armados e prestar-lhes assistência como alimentos e água potável, assistência à saúde e abrigo. Também trabalhamos ...
Le CICR a ainsi pris en charge plus de 600 blessés depuis le début du mois de janvier, dont près d’une moitié de civils. Parmi eux se trouvaient des femmes et des enfants en grand nombre. En dépit des ...
The Digital Asset Specialist leads efforts to organize and deliver raw and simply edited digital content (proactively and reactively) ensuring smooth content workflow. This role supports ICRC adhering ...
The Communication Officer contributes to the designing, planning and implementing communication projects and activities in coordination with the management of the Zamboanga office and/or Communication ...