Μια σπουδαία διεθνής διάκριση για την Ελλάδα ήρθε από τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Τουρισμού του ΟΗΕ, καθώς τα Ανώγεια της Κρήτης ...
A great international distinction for Greece came from the UN World Tourism Organization, as Anogia in Crete is among the 55 ...
Domniki Asimaki is a distinguished Greek scientist, a leader in the field of earthquake engineering, with a distinguished ...
Ο Κώστας Αξελός (1924-2010) υπήρξε ένας από τους σημαντικότερους Έλληνες φιλοσόφους του 20ού αιώνα, με παγκόσμια αναγνώριση ...
Kostas Axelos (1924-2010) was one of the most important Greek philosophers of the 20th century, internationally recognized ...
Στις 4 Φεβρουαρίου 1867, η Κεφαλονιά συγκλονίστηκε από έναν καταστροφικό σεισμό μεγέθους 7,2 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ, που ...
Kefalonia was struck by a devastating earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale, causing extensive damage and leaving ...
The first and largest Online Pharmacy in Greece, ofarmakopoiosmou.gr, was founded in 2012 in order to become the best online..
Konstantinos Vogiatzis belongs to the new generation of scientists who are using the latest technological and research methods to provide solutions to one of the biggest problems of our time, climate ...
Zagorochoria, one of the most impressive mountainous destinations in Greece, is a place of unparalleled natural beauty and living tradition. Spread across the northern slopes of Pindos, these villages ...
Greg Louganis is one of the greatest athletes in the history of diving. With four Olympic gold medals and one silver medal, the Greek-American diver has established himself as a legendary athlete, ...
Theodoros Stamos was one of the most prominent representatives of abstract expressionism, the artistic trend that dominated America and the international scene after World War II. Originally from ...