A credit card lets you borrow money to buy things. When you use a credit card to buy something, the credit company pays for it. It then sends you a bill each month for everything you owe. You can ...
We've partnered with Uswitch to help you find and compare credit cards. Find the cards you're most likely to be approved for with Uswitch's eligibility checker See your chances of being accepted ...
Looking for more information on van insurance? You’re in the right place. Whether you’re looking into buying a van, or need some tips on security or savings, our guides can offer you help and ...
What do those random numbers and letters on your DVLA driving licence mean? Owning a car is hard enough - having to sort car insurance, tax and maintenance, without the extra headache of working out ...
Just like for any other driver, 17-year-olds need at least third party insurance to legally drive on the road. This isn't always the best option for teenage drivers though. Third party cover tends to ...
The average cost of car insurance in the UK is now £161 (16%) cheaper compared to 12 months ago. The national average car insurance premium has fallen to £834, this marks the biggest drop in car ...
We can't pick our neighbours, or stop accidents from happening. Whether it's a stray football smashing your window, or something more serious like water damage. All these things can leave you feeling ...
Log into your Confused.com account and choose your reward within 90 days of buying your policy. Spend your reward! We'll email you when your claim's been verified and ...
At Confused.com, we're not only passionate about saving our customers time and money, we're passionate about the people who work for us too. Our people are at the heart of our business, which is why ...
The type of charging station you use determines how fast you can charge your electric vehicle and how much you pay to charge it. Slow charge stations generally have a power output of 3-6kW, and ...