Mankind Pharma's domestic business revenues grew by 16 per cent year-on-year, reaching Rs 2,773 crore in Q3FY25, compared to Rs 2,400 crore in Q3FY24. The company’s consumer healthcare segment saw a ...
The uptick in Jyoti Structures share price came after the company announced that it has received a Notification of Award (NoA) for a project worth Rs 741.28 crore in Khavda, Gujarat, from Power Grid ...
At least 242 million children in 85 countries had their schooling interrupted last year because of heatwaves, cyclones, flooding and other extreme weather, the United Nations Children's Fund said in a ...
Nagpur, Jaipur & Lucknow are emerging cities developing rapidly due to infrastructure upgradation and expansion, Government initiatives like smart city, urban expansion.
The UN Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee has agreed on guiding principles for preventing and detecting the use of new and emerging financial technologies for terrorist purposes, taking ...