AQSh Ozarbayjon hukumatini inson huquqlari va asosiy erkinliklar himoyasi uchun o‘z fikrini ochiq ifoda etgani uchun qamalgan faollarni ozod qilishga chaqirdi. AQSh Davlat kotibi Entoni Blinken ...
The CyberAv3ngers hacking group, which is unit of the IRGC-CEC, has hacked into Israeli-made industrial control systems used by U.S. water and wastewater facilities and other U.S. critical ...
“These actions come amid the Houthis’ ongoing campaign of terror that includes taking hundreds of UN, NGO, and diplomatic staff members,” said a State ...
“Their campaigns of violence and terror in the United States and internationally are extraordinarily violent, vicious, and similarly threaten the stability of the ...