A German entrepreneur who has lived in China for many years shares what impressed him most about the festive traditions of the Spring Festival.
"I have always been optimistic about China's potential for continued economic growth," said Michael Schumann, chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade.
(VOVWORLD) -昨晚(2 月 2 日),庆祝玉回-栋多胜利 236 周年活动在河内市栋多文化公园举行,以纪念当年英雄光中-阮惠、各位将领、西山军和广大民众英勇抗击外侵、捍卫民族独立的丰功伟绩。
The news of the day from Germany and the world. With reports and interviews from politics, society and culture. Provided by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) in Mainz, Germany. Delivered via file tran ...
The news of the day from Germany and the world. With reports and interviews from politics, society and culture. Provided by Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) in Mainz, Germany. Delivered via file tran ...
Under the tariff scheme, Tesla vehicles manufactured in Shanghai face an additional surcharge of 7.8 percent on top of 10 ...
升腾烟火气,年味渐浓时。说到春节,总绕不开“吃”,这是家人团聚、充满欢声笑语的节日,家家酒肉飘香、筵席丰盛,面对诱人佳肴,大家很容易放开肚子胡吃海喝。但这种“大吃大喝”的习惯可不好,不仅会导致体重飙升,还可能让消化系统亮红灯,比如引发急性胆囊炎。今天 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
(VOVWORLD) -适值越南共产党成立95周年,中国浙江工业大学越南研究中心主任成汉平教授、博士表示,在当前的“新时代”革新建设中,越南共产党发挥着绝对、不可替代的作用。 中国浙江工业大学越南研究中心主任成汉平教授、博士 ...
斯特劳布与妻子达尼埃尔·于伊耶(2006年去世)是欧洲影史上最著名的一对夫妇导演,两人联手创作过《西西里岛》《阶级关系》《安娜·玛格达丽娜·巴赫的编年史》等诸多经典作品。他们的作品都以优美而晦涩的文本和哲学深度而著称,受到许多影评人的追捧,甚至有人将 ...
它就像个超级储藏室,专门储存并浓缩肝脏产生的胆汁。胆汁是种含胆盐、胆固醇、胆色素等成分的黄绿色液体,主要是帮助咱们消化吸收脂肪。平常空腹时,它就悄无声息地积攒胆汁;等大餐来了,它会立刻变身“慷慨英雄”,释放储存的胆汁,助力消化油腻食物。胆囊的存在,让 ...