The Demon Slayer anime and manga both tell the same core story, but they do so with distinct approaches that cater to ...
Demon Slayer's Hand Demon might have one of the saddest backstories in the series. Here's a deeper look at its tragic past.
In a recent interview with outlet AIPT Comics, Ashley Allen explained that Demon Slayer was a major influence on Magik’s ...
​​​​​​It was confirmed that Demon Slayer's conclusion would be covered in a movie trilogy. The first of these movies is ...
Take on Demons with Tanjiro and the Hashiras by checking out the latest drop from Funko. Back in December, they released an ...
Previously, the first Demon Slayer Infinity Castle movie was listed as a 2025 release. Now, multiple new leaked listings have ...
Anime fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle Arc movie, and while an official date hasn’t ...
One Piece fans are all too familiar with the agony of waiting for years to see a single arc conclude. Unfortunately, it seems ...
A viral tweet claiming Demon Slayer popularized the trend of equating "big bright colors" to good animation ignited a debate in the anime fandom.