Common equipment labs on the third and fourth floors of Carnegie house shared instruments, used by all members of the department, including -80 C freezers (alarmed), a prep centrifuge, an anaerobic ...
The Biology Laboratory, which makes up Module Six of the :envihab research unit, has a total of five laboratories – all of which contain high-quality equipment. Microbiological and molecular ...
We use primarily mouse molecular genetics, cell biology, and cellular biochemistry as tools to address this unanswered question and to query why satellite cell numbers decline with aging and how ...
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is Europe's esteemed lab network for research in molecular biology. EMBL is funded by 20 member states an one associate member. EMBL operates in 5 ...
Proteins are life's engines, powering processes like muscle movement, vision, and chemical reactions. Their environments-water, lipid membranes, or other condensed phases-are critical to their ...