The ICRC facilitated the transfer of three Israeli and five Thai hostages from multiple locations in Gaza to Israeli authorities. The ICRC also facilitated the release and transfer of 75 detainees ...
The ICRC has treated more than 600 wounded and injured people since the start of January, of which around half were civilians ...
We invite organizations, institutions and philanthropists to join us in our mission to alleviate the suffering of those ...
Le CICR a ainsi pris en charge plus de 600 blessés depuis le début du mois de janvier, dont près d’une moitié de civils.
This is precisely what the Geneva Conventions represent—a universal body of international law ratified by every State, striving to protect a minimum of shared humanity. The core principles of ...
En ce jour de réflexion solennelle, renouvelons notre engagement inébranlable à préserver la mémoire des victimes et des ...
Более чем в 90 странах наши представительства помогают людям, пострадавшим от вооруженных конфликтов. Нейтральная, ...
Port-Soudan (CICR) — Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) est vivement préoccupé par la récente multiplication ...
Today we honour the memory of the millions who suffered and perished during one of humanity’s darkest chapters. On the 80th ...
日内瓦/萨那(红十字国际委员会) ——153名冲突相关被拘留者于今日在萨那获释。应国家被拘留者事务委员会的请求,红十字国际委员会工作组为这一单方面释放行动提供了支持。获释被拘留者曾接受过红十字国际委员会萨那代表处工作人员的定期探视,这是我们拘留相关工作的一部分,旨在确保所有因冲突而被关押的人员享有人道待遇和条件。
Мы приглашаем организации, учреждения и частных благотворителей присоединиться к нашей работе и помочь тем, кто пострадал от ...