Title ”AI-based Spectra Processing and Analysis for NMR” Opponent Professor Ilya Kuprov, School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, UK The examination board Professor Richard Neutze, Department ...
Carmela Miniscalco introducerar diagnosen språkstörning/DLD. Vad är språkstörning/DLD? Vilka bakomliggande orsaker finns? Hur diagnostiseras och behandlas språkstörning/DLD? Språkstörning (Language ...
Välkommen till en av Europas ledande statsvetenskapliga institutioner! Här bedrivs forskning och undervisning i statsvetenskap, Europakunskap och samhällsstyrning i ett globalt perspektiv. Vi är en ...
HDK-Valand at the University of Gothenburg, conducts education and research in Design, Film, Photography, Fine Art, Crafts and Literary Composition – as well as teacher education in Visual Arts and ...
At the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science researchers work on many international, interdisciplinary projects related to Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Logic, ...
Välkommen till avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa! Här hittar du forskning och utbildning inom ämnet samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa. Vår vision är att genom forskning, utbildning och ...
This programme is designed for those who wish to work with furniture from an exploratory and conceptual approach to materials, innovation, and sustainable development. Over the three years of the ...
Offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Faculty of Science and Technology The University's study counsellors can help you if you have a question about a course or programme.
Graduation 2025: Master's students in film showcase their films The master's students in film at HDK-Valand invite you to an exciting collection of films that explore both personal and… ...