Gemstones has become an HBO fan favorite over its last three seasons. The comedy follows a family of wealthy televangelists, played by John Goodman, Adam Devine, Edi Patterson, and McBride. The show ...
The choice to revisit Labyrinth without David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King—or Jim Henson’s puppet wizardry, for that matter—is a bit eyebrow-raising, but Eggers has never been in the business of ...
Brolin now finds himself in the awkward position of having his bluff called. In an Instagram Story, the actor congratulated Dune cinematographer Greig Fraser and production designer Patrice Vermett ...
After singing a tender duet with Katie Gavin called “As Good As It Gets” last fall, Mitski is getting back into the collaborator seat. Today, she released a new single with Tamino called “Sanctuary,” ...
Bad Bunny isn’t afraid of anything anymore, whether it’s walking out for a WWE fight (which he called one of the best moments of his life), performing in front of thousands of fans, or eating really ...