Select Tesla Model Y in inventory are getting discounts as the electric car maker gears up for release of the updated Model Y ...
We list several common Model Y problems, including build quality issues, suspension discomfort, software glitches, and A/C odors.
前段时间,特斯拉在官网上悄然发布和上市了全新一代Model Y,新车售价26.35~30.35万元,将会在3月份正式开启交付。而近日,随着大批全新Model Y的实车已经被运往全国各地,这也意味着新车马上便即将要到店了。
动力性能上, 新款Model Y续航能力进一步提升,入门车型续航达593公里,长续航全轮驱动版续航提升至719公里,0-100公里/小时加速时间缩短至4.3秒。
日前,网络上再次曝光了新款特斯拉Model Y的实车谍照,此次实车图片更加全面,包括部分细节均有展示。从实车尾标来看,新车不再是首发版,而是后续大批量生产的版本。另外从内饰来看,新车保留了转向灯拨杆。目前,新款特斯拉Model Y已经公布售价,为26 ...
The fast-casual Mexican restaurant chain has signed a lease in the ground floor of a mixed-use development on Damen Avenue ...
As of Thursday morning, AccuWeather gives Tuesday a 55% chance of a snow shower and Wednesday a 30% chance of a snow shower.
最近,特斯拉公布了焕新Model Y即将正式上市的消息,官网上已上线焕新Model Y首发版车型,预售价26.35万元起。尽管新款售价比老款高了,但是从市场热度来看,焕新Model Y已然是未上市先火,很有可能创造单品销量新高。
【CNMO科技消息】近日,CNMO注意到,有消息称,特斯拉的第一批焕新版Model Y展车已经到店,这两天将陆续展出,感兴趣的网友可以前往附近的特斯拉线下门店了解。 特斯拉Model Y是目前全球最成功的纯电动车型之一。2023年,特斯拉Model ...
Three women were found in two units in a luxury apartment building near Packard Corner, police said Wednesday.
Christian Zapata hit a man repeatedly after being called to help calm an autistic teenager. Mr. Zapata got into a confrontation with the man after the sergeant refused to wear a mask.
After performing at Donald Trump's pre-inauguration rally, the Village People underscored their journey from disco-era gay ...