Motorola Razr 50 Ultra was launched in July 2024 at Rs. 99,999 The handset was previously on sale for around Rs. 79,999 Customers can now purchase the phone for Rs. 69,999 ...
This alternate version of the Droid RAZR sports a much larger battery. This Android phone with 4G LTE also sports a large qHD screen, 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, front-facing camera, 8-megapixel ...
Flipkart has significantly reduced the price of the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra 256GB during its Republic Day sale. You can purchase this smartphone for less than half the original price.
The phone also brings good camera performance in different lighting conditions. However, there is no support for a wide-angle lens or telephoto lens. The battery life is solid for this one, and the ...
This feature-packed, quad-band GSM phone sports a sleek metal design, dual color displays, a VGA camera, long-range Bluetooth, MPEG4 video clip playback, and Java 2.0 with 3D graphics.
Motorola, a global leader in mobile technology and innovation, today announced the motorola razr 50 Ultra at its lowest price ever, available at Reliance Digital stores for a flat price of Rs 69,999.