No one can realistically be expected to know everything about the Palestinian Arab/Israeli conflict, yet there are recurring canards that one should be prepared to address with some level of knowledge ...
Hadar Ahituv's doctoral thesis at Bar-Ilan University's Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology. He is now at the Laboratory for Ancient Food Processing Technologies ...
Miki Ben-Dor, and Dr. Yafit Kedar. “This is a century-old mystery in Israeli archaeological research. The first prehistoric cave excavation in Israel took place in 1925, but frustratingly ...
While a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University, UC Santa Cruz history professor Elaine Sullivan unearthed ancient artifacts in Syria marked with an alphabetic script whose meaning still remains ...
Blessed are you when you come in and blessed are you when you go out' are the words inscribed into preserved mosaic tiles on the floor of a monastery, believed to be 1,5000 years old ...