Nancy Pearl speaks with author and Booklist editor Donna Seaman about her latest publication, "A River of Books: A life in Reading." In it, Seaman tells the story of her life as defined by books. They ...
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Appt 02907: Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners; CB 120806: An ordinance relating to street racing; adding the crime of racing; ...
Join host Brian Callanan for a monthly conversation with members of the Seattle City Council. City Inside/Out: Council Edition features a conversation about the issues with Seattle City Councilmembers ...
Agenda: Approval of the Minutes; President's Report; Signing of Letters and Proclamations; Preview of City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Adjournment.
Seattle is a vibrant and complex city, and the Seattle Channel's City Inside/Out with Brian Callanan brings you thoughtful, in-depth reports and discussions about important local issues every week.
Join host Brian Callanan for a monthly conversation with members of the Seattle City Council. City Inside/Out: Council Edition features a conversation about the issues with Seattle City Councilmembers ...
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Approval of the Consent Calendar; Approval of the bills; ...