Easterfest, Australia's largest Christian festival, has confirmed that the Newsboys will headline concerts in both Sydney and Melbourne after their appearance at Easterfest in Toowoomba. The Newsboys ...
Cricket is the most popular sport in Pakistan. Prominent cricketer evangelist, Victor Lal established the Pakistan OM Sports Ministry in order to lead a group of Christian cricket lovers to share his ...
Osteen began the interview by referencing his new book, I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life, saying that his goal as a pastor is to lift his congregants up, and instil a good sense of ...
The Press Service International (PSI) "young writer" program with Christian Today has seen some major leadership developments for this new year and it is a joy to my heart to see such. These new roles ...
In the Book of Genesis, God makes a promise with Noah to never again flood the earth. As a sign of that vow, God creates a rainbow, explaining in chapter nine, verse 13 (NIV): "I have set my rainbow ...
For the now 30-year-old Nick, founding president and CEO of the non-profit organization Life Without Limbs, the most important thing in life was to understand why God made him without arms and legs.
For those, like myself, who are not from a highly-liturgical denomination, it may come as a surprise that June 11 was ‘Trinity Sunday’. Despite its potential obscurity, Trinity Sunday is a great ...
A source from the rapper's hometown of Detroit claims to have witnessed Eminem's transformation firsthand through some of his recent actions, according to AllHipHop.com. He stated that Eminem has been ...
World renowned worship leader Darlene Zschech has announced her move with husband Mark Zschech to take up position of Senior Pastors at Church Unlimited, Central Coast NSW, officially starting in late ...
"There is a dramatic account of God's judgment in Leviticus 9 and 10. The people had been ready to worship. They now had priests. They had standards by which they were to come before God and offer Him ...
Winfrey told the publication that she wakes up at around 5:45 a.m. and reads a passage from TheDailyLove.com and The Bowl of Saki, which she describes as "like the Sufi daily word." Although the ...
"I want to assure you that I am genuinely content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me even if it is from His left hand because better something from His left hand than no hand at all, ...