Scallions (Allium fistulosum), also called bunching onions and green onions, have green and white stalks that do not form bulbs. You can chop and eat them as a raw condiment on top of soups and other ...
State Ambassador Madison shares her excitement for BLU and encourages 4-H youth to organize a community food drive as part of the statewide service project.
Extension's rural stress task force provides rural Minnesota families and communities with education and resources to help ...
Apply for scholarships, grants and awards available to college-bound 4-H members and alumni. Scholarship recipients must give a written statement of their accomplishments related to the scholarship ...
Safe carbohydrates content for sensitive horses is considered to be 10 to 12 percent or less. Testing your hay is a good starting point for determining its carbohydrate content. Make sure you take a ...
PSSM is a disorder that causes muscle cramping in horses from abnormal glycogen (sugar) storage in the muscles. Sore muscles, muscle weakness and cramping are all signs of PSSM. Type 1 PSSM is caused ...
Establish a good working relationship with your farrier and veterinarian to ensure your horse stays healthy and sound. Many foot problems can occur in horses. To reduce hoof problems: Schedule regular ...
A basic hay analysis costs about $20. Optimum horse hay moisture ranges from 10 to 15 percent. ADF values under 45 percent are generally good for horses. NDF values under 65 percent are generally good ...
EPM is a neurologic disease that horses get from eating infected opossum feces. Incoordination, muscle atrophy and loss of feeling around the body are a few signs of illness. Storing feed in ...
Voles can cause damage to small trees and shrubs. They can have multiple litters in a year, and every 3 to 5 years there is a population boom. Lawn damage is most visible in the spring. Prevent and ...
Yield differences from soil tillage are more often the exception rather than the norm. This is particularly the case for soybean yields, as well as rotated corn systems. Due to the costs associated ...
Estate planning can be a simple or complex process depending upon the size and composition of your estate, your family situation and your business situation. No two families have precisely the same ...