European Council President António Costa will chair the Informal EU leaders' retreat in Palais d’Egmont, Brussels. Upon arrival he hi ...
Find out how the EU regularly sets catch limits for the fish caught in EU waters or by EU vessels in other waters.
Learn about the EU's common fisheries policy and its goals to manage fish resources sustainably and provide food to people.
The price of energy in the EU reached record levels in 2022. The rise, linked to the increase of wholesale energy prices ...
Em conformidade com o Acordo de Comércio e Cooperação assinado pela UE e pelo Reino Unido, as duas partes realizam consultas anuais a fim de fixarem as respetivas possibilidades de pesca no que respei ...
How are fishing quotas set between the EU and the UK after Brexit? From January 2021, the rights to catch fish are set through annual bilateral consultations.
Hoe worden de visquota tussen de EU en het VK vastgesteld na de Brexit? Sinds januari 2021 worden de visrechten voor gedeelde bestanden via jaarlijks bilateraal overleg vastgelegd.
Dies ist die offizielle Website des Rates der EU und des Europäischen Rates. Für die Redaktion verantwortlich ist das Generalsekretariat des Rates, das den Rat der EU und den Europäischen Rat ...
L-UE tipproteġi d-data personali tal-individwi użata mill-awtoritajiet tal-infurzar tal-liġi għall-prevenzjoni, ...
The Council decided today to renew the list of persons, groups and entities subject to restrictive measures with a view to combatting terrorism, delisting one deceased person and maintaining the rest ...
L-UE tikkollabora mas-sħab internazzjonali biex tiġġestixxi r-riżorsi tal-ħut li għalihom ma għandhiex dritt esklużiv.