Brigham Young (1801-1877) was a central figure in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and ...
During an aerial reconnaissance mission, operators from Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces located a wounded Russian soldier ...
Units of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine destroyed four Russian BMD-4 armored vehicles during the defense of ...
The Triomphant-class nuclear submarines are France's main naval strategic force, designed to operate as part of the nation's ...
Conhecido como o "Moisés Americano", ele foi o responsável por liderar os mórmons em sua jornada para o oeste, ...
Brigham Young (1801-1877) byl ústÅ™ední postavou v historii Církve JežíÅ¡e Krista Svatých posledních dnů (SUD) a jedním z ...
Lors d'une mission de reconnaissance aérienne, les opérateurs des Forces d'opérations spéciales ukrainiennes ont localisé un ...
Durante una missione di ricognizione aerea, gli operatori delle Forze Speciali dell'Ucraina hanno individuato un soldato ...
Légi felderítÅ‘ művelet során az ukrán különleges műveleti erÅ‘k egy sérült orosz katonát találtak egy konfliktusos területen.
Ukrainan erikoisoperaatiojoukot paikansivat ilmavakoilutehtävän aikana haavoittuneen venäläissotilaan konfliktialueelta.