Doom can now run in a Microsoft Word document, thanks to creative enthusiasts. Play Doom in Word with arrow keys to move, Space to use objects, and CTRL to fire. There is no sound, but it is still an ...
In a nutshell: Netherlands-based software engineer Wojciech Graj has created another unusual port of the iconic first-person shooter Doom, ingeniously embedding it within a Microsoft Word document.
近日,一场别开生面的游戏移植项目引起了广泛关注。开发者Wojciech Graj,受到知名DoomPDF项目的深刻启发,决定挑战一项看似不可能的任务:将经典的第一人称射击游戏Doom完美融入Microsoft Word文档中。
开发者Wojciech Graj受到DoomPDF项目的启发,决定将经典的第一人称射击游戏Doom移植到Word文档中。在GitHub的项目页面上,Graj提供了详细的设置说明,用户可以下载一个6.6MB的Word文档文件,并在安装了现代版本Microsoft Office/Word的x86计算机上运行,只需忽略安全警告即可体验游戏。
Shared to the r/itrunsdoom subreddit, software engineer Wojciech Graj demonstrated how DOOM can run in a standalone Word document. Unlike more rudimentary screens, MS Word brings you DOOM in full ...