Phil Spencer says Xbox is still sticking to making hardware but is committed to releasing more games across more devices and ...
Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer talks about the state of Xbox after its recent changes, saying that the brand is 'evolving.
在接受 Destin Legarie 播客采访时,微软游戏业务掌舵者菲尔·斯宾塞(Phil Spencer)表示,Xbox 的品牌标识正在“演变”,不再将第一方游戏限于自有平台,他认为这种身份正是游戏行业所需要的。 斯宾塞明确表示,Xbox ...
最近,对于游戏界的玩家们来说,最引人瞩目的消息无疑是Xbox领导者Phil Spencer的最新声明:公司将继续致力于将Xbox游戏移植至Switch 2。这一消息不仅让众多Xbox游戏拥趸兴奋不已,也引发了跨平台游戏支持的广泛讨论。那么,为什么Switch 2对于Xbox来说如此重要?这又将如何影响整个游戏市场的格局?
Microsoft's latest sales figures prove that Xbox hardware is a lost cause. However, this would make Phil Spencer the happiest ...
Xbox Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has confirmed Starfield isn't going to stay exclusive to Xbox and PC, possible release on Switch ...
IT之家 1 月 28 日消息,微软游戏业务掌舵者菲尔・斯宾塞(Phil Spencer)在接受 Destin Legarie 播客采访时被问及是否会放弃 Xbox Series S | X 主机的对等支持策略,他表示 该项策略不会改变 。
In a new interview, Xbox CEO Phil Spencer described Microsoft's efforts to bring in more success to Xbox, even if it includes ...
Gears of War: E-Day is already one of the most anticipated titles on the way to the Xbox in the future and it seems Microsoft ...
Switch 2在本月早些时候公布,虽然官方没有公布首发游戏阵容,但传言指出Xbox多个第一方游戏将会移植到Switch 2上,包括《 暗黑破坏神4 》《 光环:士官长合集 》《微软飞行模拟》《 使命召唤 》等。
The head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, commented on a question asking if we could see Xbox Series X exclusive games in the near ...
在游戏界,相互合作已成为大势所趋,不再是单打独斗的时代。作为行业翘楚的微软和任天堂,正携手为玩家们送上一份惊喜。微软游戏部门的负责人Phil Spencer近日表示,将继续推动Xbox游戏向任天堂Switch 2的移植,这一消息引发了广泛关注。